33HP Farming
33HP Farmer
i'd just like to say that i can't take credit for this build. divine elemental said that this was his modification of the build with his own personal touches, and i'd like to say that i'm sorry for releasing this if it was supposed to be kept secret. i just haven't seen anyone else using DP as a way to keep your damage down.
the concept behind this build is that with 15% DP you have 33HP and thus only take 1 damage from all sources while protection bond is maintained. the only way that i have been killed with this is an overwhelming number of enemies on you (25+), rockshots interrupting, or accidentally stepping on fire traps.
blessed signet
healing breeze (*or shield of judgment)
symbol of wrath
balthazar's aura
protection bond
essence bond
balthazar's spirit
before mods:
9 healing prayers
10 protect prayers
11 smiting prayers
4 divine favor
after mods:
12 healing prayers
13 protect prayers
15 smiting prayers
7 divine favor
superior divine rune
superior divine rune
superior healing rune
superior protection rune
superior smiting rune
zealot's head tatoo
20/20 smiting staff (collector's item)
augury rock - come out of augury rock on the side THAT ISN'T skyward reach with all your stuff equipped and you should have 105HP. walk down the path and die to the devourer. yes, that's right, die. you will now have a 15% death penalty which puts you at 33HP. put your enchants on. now, with all of your enchantments on, you will be very hard to kill. you will get hit, but not lose or gain any energy because essence bond and balthazar's spirit make up for the loss from protection bond. you get energy by using blessed signet. 2 or 3 minotaurs will come up to you, ignore them and make sure you get all of your energy back before continuing. after you get your energy back, start running a little ways south and you will go through a narrow passing where another pack of minotaurs will greet you. at this point, if a rockshot devourer has unearthed itself, just keep running and it will eventually stop to lay a trap and unaggro itself. once you go through the narrow passing, head left along the wall and aggro any desert griffons you see. once you get about 3 packs of minotaurs and 2 or 3 groups of griffons you are ready to start smiting. hold Z and CTRL to check if any rockshots are following you. if they are, keep running until they stop. if there are none, stop moving and wait for the pack to surround you. cast balthazar's aura and symbol of wrath. then use blessed signet to get energy back. repeat this process until everything around you is dead. if you see that you need more health regeneration throw up a healing breeze and you will be fine. there is nothing in that area that can kill you except for the rockshots interrupting your spells.
riverside province (twin snake lakes) - coming soon!
*shield of judgement is a modification to the build that helps immensely in farming the caromis in twin snake lakes. you can kill them all with no worry of death in about half the time it would normally take with the original build.
thanks to - divine elemental (for the build)
arena.net (for messing up all of my farming areas)